
109 results

If you can’t silence them, SLAPP them: a new wave of judicial attacks hits Bulgarian media

If you can’t silence them, SLAPP them: a new wave of judicial attacks hits Bulgarian media

Court cases targeting critical journalists and publications intensify

The Russians are here! (again), The Macedonians are not, and (almost) everyone leaves Burgas

The Russians are here! (again), The Macedonians are not, and (almost) everyone leaves Burgas

The silent cyber-war, flights & fights with a neighbor, go easy with the Energy regulator

The Change (does not) Continue for Sofia-Skopje relations

The Change (does not) Continue for Sofia-Skopje relations

A new cabinet is unlikely to overturn Bulgaria’s position on N. Macedonia’s EU accession

After seven months, Bulgaria gets a regular cabinet

After seven months, Bulgaria gets a regular cabinet

Kiril Petkov will lead the coalition gov’t of four parties, promising judicial reform, zero corruption and untapping the country’s economic potential

A step away from OECD membership

A step away from OECD membership

Bulgaria has a real chance to become one of six new members of the "club of mostly rich countries" soon

The Week: The inevitable fifth wave, the surf-master Radev and the boom of online retail

The Week: The inevitable fifth wave, the surf-master Radev and the boom of online retail

K Insights 22/10: grocery stores flourish while clothes shops go under

The real Bugarian interests in N.Macedonia: in between diplomacy and business

The real Bugarian interests in N.Macedonia: in between diplomacy and business

Outstanding issues between Bulgaria and its southwestern neighbor are important, but it is critical to provide infrastructure and a stable business environment for companies

The week: A very expensive winter is coming, the "disrupters" enter the political center and new cars sales grow fast

The week: A very expensive winter is coming, the "disrupters" enter the political center and new cars sales grow fast

GERB, salaries and energy bills all head north

The week: The problem with online banking, new players enter the political arena and 6 billion euros await

The week: The problem with online banking, new players enter the political arena and 6 billion euros await

Dogan is nowhere to be found, trouble brews for Kristalina Georgieva

The week: Yet another saviour on the horizon, Fourth Covid wave is here and some good news for the budget

The week: Yet another saviour on the horizon, Fourth Covid wave is here and some good news for the budget

To party or not to party, that is Kiril Petkov’s question, (some) Covid restrictions, after all, and even more expensive electricity

The week: Is Bulgaria the limp pig of EU regulation, coal is (still) here, minimum wage surpasses Montenegro

The week: Is Bulgaria the limp pig of EU regulation, coal is (still) here, minimum wage surpasses Montenegro

Also: New Parliament is up, as well as the new 12 bn. Leva Plan

No court oversight, no extradition

No court oversight, no extradition

Why EU states ought not to execute European arrest warrants issued by Bulgaria - and how this is related to the lack of reform of the State Prosecution

Covid-19: Stumbling back into crisis

Covid-19: Stumbling back into crisis

The government’s decision to reopen schools and restaurants too soon may cause an avoidable repetition of the November-December pandemic disaster

Elections looming large, prosecutors denied and how Bulgaria remains at the end of the GDP tail in the EU

Elections looming large, prosecutors denied and how Bulgaria remains at the end of the GDP tail in the EU

K Insights 5/03: Controversial changes to the media law were postponed, Eurohold wants to raise 100 mln euro on the stock exchange

5G in Bulgaria: Billions and fears

5G in Bulgaria: Billions and fears

The next generation of mobile networks is here, but not everybody wants it

Migrants have returned, will they stay?

Migrants have returned, will they stay?

Bulgaria has been losing people to the West for decades. COVID-19 rearranged that.